Opteon™ Solvents
Opteon™ SF30 is ideally suited for critical cleaning applications in modern, tight vapor degreasing equipment. It has “zero” ozone-depletion potential and a moderate global warming potential. A medium-strength precision cleaning fluid, widely used in many critical cleaning, drying, and high-value specialty uses where consistent and reliable cleaning performance is the paramount objective. Vertrel MCA Degreaser can replace nPB is some applications. It also can replace old-style solvents such as CFC-113, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (ex. HCFC-225), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) in many applications.
- Alternative to Vertrel™ MCA
- Not subject to F-gas regulation
- Ideal for: Vapor degreasing, Oxygen system cleaning, Cold cleaning
- Zero ODP, Ultra-Low GWP, Non-flammable